Well now that I'm out from under the book I can get back to my regularly scheduled blogging! I read all 4 Twilight series books over the past 5 days. I couldn't help myself. They're really good!
I also went to the Breaking Dawn (the 4th book in the series which was released August 2) book release party at Barnes and Noble with my sister and sister-in-law. We even made book t-shirts. I felt like I had stepped backwards in my life about 15 years. And then I realized while I was there that I am offically *old*. I was so out of place! So while the teenage kids chatted and giggled I shopped for homeschool supplies and birthday presents for my kids.
We ended up leaving before the actual book release and going to buy our books at Walmart. There was no crowd... we just walked up to the display, plucked our books off the shelf and paid for them. Incidentally the cashier told us that they had "had these for awhile" and we figured this backwards Rocky Mount redneck Walmart probably HAD stocked them before midnight and we could have been well into our reading before the official release date! Oh well.